### # FvwmCompactButtons, a nice theme-able example to use with wm-icons. # Optimized for the default fvwm-2.2 configuration. # # Copy this file to the home directory (add leading dot) and put: # Read .fvwm2rc-compact-buttons # as the last line of your .fvwm2rc after the line 'Read .fvwm2rc-wm-icons'. # # NOTE: if you use fvwm-2.3.17 or better, put this file into ~/.fvwm/ instead. # # You can customize this file by editing Action's, specifying diferent # colors etc. You can also play with or remove the string "Size 80x80". # Action (with no Mouse) can be invoked by pressing Enter on focused buttons. ### # You can comment the following out or in. AddToMenu "Modules" "Compact Buttons%menu/utility.xpm%" FuncRestartFvwmCompactButtons AddToFunc SessionInitFunction I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons AddToFunc SessionRestartFunction I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons AddToFunc InitFunction I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons AddToFunc RestartFunction I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons # The next line substitutes the previous 4 lines in fvwm-2.2.4 or better. #AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons Mouse 3 R SCM Menu "MenuBarIconSet" Nop # Create alias 'bar' if it does not exist yet (actually needed only once). Exec wm-icons-config -q -p -w bar || wm-icons-config -q -p -f bar 16x16-general ### # Change Bar Icon Set submenu ### DestroyFunc FuncRestartFvwmCompactButtons AddToFunc FuncRestartFvwmCompactButtons + I Next (FvwmCompactButtons) Close + I Module FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons DestroyFunc FuncSwitchBarIconSet AddToFunc FuncSwitchBarIconSet + I PipeRead 'wm-icons-config -q -p -f bar $0' + I FuncRestartFvwmCompactButtons DestroyMenu MenuBarIconSet AddToMenu MenuBarIconSet "Change Icon Set" Title + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 14x14-general" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 14x14-general + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 16x16-general" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 16x16-general + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 16x16-gnome" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 16x16-gnome + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 16x16-kde" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 16x16-kde + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 17x14-3dpixmaps" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 17x14-3dpixmaps + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 20x20-martys" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 20x20-martys + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 20x20-martys2" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 20x20-martys2 + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 21x18-3dpixmaps" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 21x18-3dpixmaps + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 32x32-kde" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 32x32-kde + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 32x32-kde2" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 32x32-kde2 + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 44x52-penguins" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 44x52-penguins + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 48x48-general" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 48x48-general + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 48x48-gnome" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 48x48-gnome + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 48x48-kde2" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 48x48-kde2 + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 56x46-3dpixmaps" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 56x46-3dpixmaps + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 56x56-martys" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 56x56-martys + "%menu/item.xpm%bar 56x56-martys2" FuncSwitchBarIconSet 56x56-martys2 # You can comment one of the following in. AddToMenu "Window-Ops" "&Bar Icon Set%menu/themes.xpm" Popup MenuBarIconSet item +97 c #Exec wm-icons-config -q -p -f bar ./mini # synchronize with mini #Exec wm-icons-config -q -p -f bar 16x16-kde # static icon set ### # FvwmButtons FvwmCompactButtons ### Style "FvwmCompactButtons" NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip, NeverFocus *FvwmCompactButtonsBack rgb:E4/D2/C0 # Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK *FvwmCompactButtonsGeometry -0+0 # Layout: specify rows or columns, not both *FvwmCompactButtonsColumns 2 # Define the buttons to use. Customize this for your taste. #*FvwmCompactButtons(2x2, Padding 0 0, Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) "Desktop" 'FvwmPager 0 0') *FvwmCompactButtons(2x2, Padding 0 0, Size 80 80, Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) "xclock" `Exec xclock -bg rgb:E4/D2/C0 -padding 2 -geometry 86x86-0+0`) *FvwmCompactButtons(2x1, Padding 0 0, Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) "xload" `Exec xload -nolabel -bg rgb:E4/D2/C0 -update 3 -geometry 86x43-0+99`) *FvwmCompactButtons(2x2, Padding 0 0, Container(Padding 0 0, Columns 4)) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/terminal.xpm, Action `Exec xterm`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec xterm -g 80x40 -sb +sk -si -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec xterm -g 80x40 -sb +sk -si -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold -n root -T root -e su -l`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec Eterm -n dream -e rlogin -l dream $HOST`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/file-manager.xpm, Action `Exec xfm -title "File Manager"`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec xterm-color -g 80x40 -sb +sk -si -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold -n Midnight-Commander -T Midnight-Commander -e mc -x`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec gmc`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec fr`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/monitor.xpm, Action `Exec xterm -e top`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec xterm -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold +sb -ut -name xxterm -T Top -n Top -e top`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/calculator.xpm, Action `Exec xcalc`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec gcalc`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec kcalc`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/chat.xpm, Action `Exec xterm -e irc`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec xterm -g 80x40 -sb +sk -si -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold -n irc -T irc -e irc`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec tkirc`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec licq`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/game.xpm, Action `Exec xbill`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec gnomine`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec xmahjongg`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec xpat2`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/cd-player.xpm, Action `Exec workman`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec gtcd`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec kscd`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec kmid`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/sound.xpm, Action `Exec xmixer`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec gmix`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec freeamp`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec x11amp`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/editor.xpm, Action `Exec xterm -e jpico`, \ Action(Mouse 1) `Exec emacs`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec gvim`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec xwp`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/keyboard.xpm, Action `Exec xkeycaps`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec xrus`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/xv.xpm, Action `Exec xv`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec gimp`, \ Action(Mouse 3) `Exec ee`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/ghostview.xpm, Action `Exec ghostview`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec xpdf`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/netscape.xpm, Action `Exec netscape -geometry 654x742`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec arena`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/lock.xpm, Action `Exec xlock -nice 20 -mode random`, \ Action(Mouse 2) `Exec xlock -nolock -nice 20 -mode random`, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/window-close.xpm, Action Close, \ Action(Mouse 2) Iconify, \ Action(Mouse 3) Destroy, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(Icon bar/restart.xpm, Action `Restart`, \ Action(Mouse 2) Refresh, \ Action(Mouse 3) Quit, \ ) *FvwmCompactButtons(End)